Being a mother is considered to be a blessing. It is a miraculous thing and a gift. More than that, being a mother changes us in more ways than we think. It changes our lives in many different ways. It changes the way we live, the way we look at things. It also happens to change our bodies.
Many women experience regional changes in their bodies during pregnancy and after giving birth. This is completely normal, and also a natural phenomenon. The changes women may experience during this period varies from a change of size in breasts, tummy, thighs, and arms to name a few.While some of the changes may go away by themselves over a specific amount of time, some unfortunately may not. For that, millions of women turn to various ways and try a bunch of different things to go back to the shape they were in before their pregnancy. But sometimes natural ways of losing weight doesn’t work. The problem may lie in many places. Some people may try the wrong workout routine; some people try the wrong diet. Or it may be a metabolic issue that prevents people from losing weight in natural terms. That is also what Kayleigh Baldwin-Wilkinson has experienced. In this article, we will talk about Kayleigh Baldwin-Wilkinson’s story.Kayleigh Baldwin-Wilkinson is a 28-year-old woman who resides in Essex, United Kingdom. She is a mother of two wonderful children, named Morgan and Harley. She first became a mother seven years ago when she welcomed Morgan into the world, and then Harley followed three years later. Kayleigh reportedly has been fighting with weight problems for a long time. She says that she struggled a lot to lose weight after giving birth to her first child, and then it just became a whole lot harder after the second pregnancy. When she tried to lose weight on her own terms, it would be a fruitless labor as well, as her efforts to lose weight ended in a yo-yo effect.
Yo-yo effect is also known as weight cycling. This meant that no matter what she tried and how hard she tried it, she would gain that lost weight back. In her case, she would lose around 20 kilograms, but would gain it all back with extra weight. It also didn’t help that she would eat takeout food constantly. She has said that she would spend more than £150 on takeout each week.
As her weight affected her home life with her kids, not being able to spend quality time with them led her to take action and she started researching. After the research, she decided to get a gastric bypass surgery.
Gastric bypass surgery is an operation that reduces the size of the stomach by diving a small section of the stomach from the rest and connecting it to the small intestine. This allows the food you eat to go directly to your intestine. The surgery results in weight loss as the smaller stomach helps us feel full with much smaller portions of food.
After doing her research, Kayleigh saw that the cost of getting that surgery in the United Kingdom could cost anywhere from £10,000 to £20,000. That’s when she decided to get the surgery in Turkey. Turkey has been making headlines in the last couple of years for its health tourism, and she saw that she could get the surgery she dreamed of for around £3,200 in Turkey.
Before the surgery took place, Kayleigh weighed around 120 kilograms. After the surgery, over the course of a year, she weighs 66 kilograms. However, as it is the case with many women, after she lost all that weight, her skin began sagging.
Sagging after weight loss happens naturally. If the skin is stretched for a long time, it loses its’ elasticity. This means that after the weight loss, this excess skin will start to hang from the body. It is also worth to mention that aside from sagging after weight loss, women also experience stretch marks during and after pregnancy. Stretch marks are caused by rapid gain of weight; it is your skin’s reaction to how fast it’s growing.
Kayleigh lost her weight over the year, but she was unhappy with the way she looked, she spent an extra £4,500 to go back to Turkey to get aesthetic surgeries. She got these three operations: Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, and Breast Implants.
In Tummy Tuck surgery, the excess skin in lower abdomen area is removed by incision to give the body a toned look. In Breast Implant surgery, the shape and overall look of the breast is changed with the implantation of silicone breast prostheses. Lastly, Breast Lift operation helps with sagging of the breasts by removing some of the skin via incision to make them look perkier.
Now, she is happier than ever with herself. She says that she went through these changes not only for herself but for her kids as well. Now, she is able to spend more quality time with her kids without being short on breath or feeling any physical pain. And she did this in just a year.
Kayleigh Baldwin-Wilkinson dreamed of feeling beautiful in her skin and being able to dedicate more time to her kids, and she reached her dreams just within a year through aesthetic surgeries. If you are looking for realizing your dreams, then Milano Clinic is just the right place for you! We helped thousands of people reach their dreams every year, and we want to help you too. For additional information regarding our services, prices and many more, please contact us.
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