
Dental Implants Cost in Turkey

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Turkey has become a popular destination for many patients from around the world by offering high-quality dental implant services at affordable costs.

Dental implants are a widely preferred treatment method in Turkey, providing a permanent and natural solution for missing teeth. The cost of dental implants in Turkey can vary depending on the techniques used, the quality of the implant, and the scope of the treatment process. The most recent and effective techniques are used in dental implant treatment, offering patients quick and reliable solutions. Although the recovery process after treatment can vary based on the patient’s overall health and the specifics of the procedure, it is generally completed within a few months.

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What Are Dental Implants and How Are They Done?

What Are Dental Implants?

  • Definition: Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to replace missing teeth. They are screws made from biocompatible materials such as titanium and are placed into the jawbone.
  • Purpose: They offer the closest aesthetic and functional solution to natural teeth. They provide a strong foundation for securing prosthetic teeth.
  • Advantages: They are long-lasting, provide a natural look and feel, prevent jawbone deterioration, and do not damage surrounding teeth.

How Are Dental Implants Done?

Pre-consultation and Planning:

  • Examination and X-ray: Your dentist conducts a thorough examination and takes x-rays to evaluate your oral health.
  • Treatment Plan: The areas where implants will be placed are identified, and the treatment process is planned. The density of the jawbone and overall oral health are assessed.

Implant Placement:

  • Anesthesia: The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring a comfortable and painless experience for the patient.
  • Surgical Procedure: The gum is opened to expose the jawbone, a hole is drilled for the implant, and the implant is screwed into place.
  • Temporary Covering: After the implant is placed, a temporary tooth covering may be used during the healing process.

Healing Process (Osseointegration):

  • Bone Healing: The process of the implant fusing with the jawbone, known as osseointegration, typically takes 3-6 months.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Regular check-ups are conducted to monitor the condition of the implant during the healing process.

Abutment Placement:

  • Placing the Abutment: The abutment, a piece to which the prosthetic tooth will be attached, is placed on the implant.
  • Gum Healing: A short period is allowed for the gum to heal after placing the abutment.

Creating and Placing the Prosthetic Tooth:

  • Taking Measurements: Once healing is completed, an impression of the mouth is taken to create the prosthetic tooth.
  • Prosthetic Tooth: The custom-made prosthetic tooth is attached to the abutment.
  • Final Checks: The fit and comfort of the prosthetic tooth are checked, and necessary adjustments are made.

For more information about dental implants and to schedule an appointment, you can contact our clinic. We are happy to serve you for a healthy and aesthetic smile.

How long do dental implants actually last?

The lifespan of dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and regular dental check-ups. The longevity of implants is directly related to the patient’s oral hygiene, avoiding smoking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. At our clinic, dental implant treatments are performed with the highest quality materials and by our expert team, achieving high success rates. To maximize the lifespan of your implants, we recommend attending regular check-up appointments and taking good care of your dental health.

How Painful Is Getting a Dental Implant?

Getting a dental implant is generally a painless process thanks to modern anesthesia techniques. Local anesthesia is applied during the procedure to ensure the patient’s comfort and minimize pain. Some mild pain and discomfort may occur after the treatment, but these can be managed with painkillers. At our clinic, we prioritize our patients’ comfort at every step, making the dental implant treatment as comfortable as possible.

How Long Does It Take for a Dental Implant to Heal?

The healing period for a dental implant typically ranges from 3 to 6 months, which is necessary for the implant to fully integrate with the jawbone (osseointegration). This period can vary depending on factors such as the patient’s overall health, the structure of the jawbone, and the implant technique used. At our clinic, we closely monitor your healing process with regular check-ups after the treatment to ensure the best results.

Dental Implant or Bridge?

When it comes to missing teeth, the two most commonly preferred treatment options are dental implants and dental bridges. It’s important to consider the following factors when deciding which method is more suitable for you:

Dental Implants

  • Natural Appearance and Function:
    • Dental implants provide the closest look and feel to natural teeth.
    • They mimic the tooth root as they are placed into the jawbone, offering a long-lasting solution.
  • Bone Health:
    • Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss.
    • They help maintain the structure of the jawbone in the long term.
  • No Damage to Adjacent Teeth:
    • Implant treatment does not rely on adjacent teeth for support, so healthy teeth do not need to be cut.
  • Care and Cleaning:
    • Can be brushed and flossed like natural teeth.
    • Requires no special care; daily oral hygiene is sufficient.

Dental Bridges

  • Quick Treatment:
    • Dental bridges can usually be completed in a shorter time.
    • They offer a faster solution as there is no need for the bone healing period required for implants.
  • Cost:
    • Bridges are generally more economical than implants.
    • However, costs may increase in the long term due to the need for replacement or repair.
  • Condition of Adjacent Teeth:
    • Placing bridges requires shaping and using adjacent teeth as support.
    • This may require cutting and weakening healthy teeth.
  • Care and Cleaning:
    • Dental bridges require special care and cleaning.
    • Cleaning the spaces under the bridge can be challenging, and careful cleaning is essential to maintain gum health.

Which Treatment Is Right for You?

  • Oral and Dental Health:
    • The condition of your jawbone and overall oral health determine which method is suitable.
    • A detailed examination and X-ray assessment are necessary.
  • Budget and Time:
    • Consider which treatment fits your budget and time.
    • Implants generally offer a more long-term and permanent solution, while bridges provide a quicker solution in the short term.
  • Personal Preferences:
    • Take into account your personal priorities, such as aesthetics and comfort.
    • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both methods with your doctor to make the best decision.

Services We Offer at Our Clinic

  • Expert Evaluation:
    • Our expert team evaluates dental implant and bridge treatments to create the most suitable treatment plan for you.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan:
    • We aim to achieve the best results by offering individual treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.
  • High Quality and Trust:
    • We perform your treatments using the highest quality materials and modern techniques.

For more information about dental implant and bridge treatments and to schedule an appointment, you can contact our clinic. We are happy to provide you with the best solutions for a healthy and aesthetic smile.

How Many Dental Implants Can Be Placed in One Day?

It is possible to place 4 to 6 dental implants in one day. This number can vary depending on the patient’s oral and jaw structure, overall health condition, and treatment plan. At our clinic, we provide the fastest and safest implant treatment with our expert team and advanced technological equipment. We aim to achieve the best results in the shortest possible time by preparing personalized treatment plans according to the patient’s needs and condition.

What Is the Best Age for Dental Implants?

The best age for dental implants is typically after the jawbone has fully developed, which is around 18 years and older. From this age range onwards, anyone with a healthy oral structure and general health can be a suitable candidate for dental implant treatment. At our clinic, we aim to achieve the best results by offering personalized treatment plans for every age group.

How Many Teeth Can Be Supported by Implants?

A single implant can support one tooth, while two implants can support a bridge of four teeth, and four to six implants can support a full arch. This number can vary depending on the patient’s jawbone condition and treatment plan. At our clinic, we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs, providing the most suitable implant options.

How Many Types of Dental Implants Are There?

Dental implants can vary in types to meet different needs and clinical conditions. Here are the most common types of dental implants:

  1. Endosteal (Endosseous) Implants
    • Definition: Implants placed directly into the jawbone.
    • Material: Usually made of titanium or zirconium.
    • Shape: Can be screw, cylinder, or blade-shaped.
    • Usage: Commonly preferred with a high success rate.
  2. Subperiosteal Implants
    • Definition: Implants placed on top of the jawbone but under the gum.
    • Material: Consists of a metal frame.
    • Usage: Preferred for patients with insufficient jawbone height or for whom bone grafting is not suitable.
  3. Zygomatic Implants
    • Definition: Long implants placed in the cheekbone (zygoma) when there is insufficient bone in the upper jaw.
    • Material: Made of titanium.
    • Usage: Suitable for patients with severe bone loss.
  4. All-on-4 Implants
    • Definition: Prosthetics fixed on four implants for completely edentulous jaws.
    • Material: Titanium implants and acrylic or porcelain prosthetics.
    • Usage: Provides a quick and effective solution for completely edentulous patients.
  5. Mini Implants
    • Definition: Smaller diameter implants compared to traditional implants.
    • Material: Made of titanium.
    • Usage: Used for patients with narrow jawbones or as temporary prosthetic supports.
  6. Immediate Load Implants
    • Definition: Implants where prosthetic teeth can be placed immediately after implantation.
    • Material: Usually made of titanium.
    • Usage: Suitable for patients with a strong jaw bone, reducing treatment time.
  7. Single-Tooth Implants
    • Definition: Standard implants used for single tooth replacements.
    • Material: Made of titanium or zirconium.
    • Usage: The most common type used for single tooth replacement.

For more information about dental implants and to find out which implant is most suitable for you, you can contact our clinic.

Which Is the Best Implant?

The best implant can vary depending on the patient’s individual needs, oral and jaw structure, health condition, and aesthetic expectations. Titanium and zirconium implants are the most commonly preferred options due to their high durability and biocompatibility. At our clinic, we thoroughly evaluate the condition of our patients to determine the most suitable type of implant and apply the latest techniques to achieve the best results.

What Is the Failure Rate of Dental Implants?

The failure rate of dental implants is quite low, typically below 3%. This rate can vary depending on factors such as the patient’s overall health, oral hygiene, smoking habits, and the quality of the bone in the implant area. At our clinic, we maintain the highest success rates through experienced specialists and the latest technology. For more information about dental implants and to schedule an appointment, please contact our expert team.

What Are the Alternatives to Implants?

There are several alternatives to implants for treating missing teeth. These include dental bridges, dentures (partial or full dentures), and dental crowns. Dental bridges fill the gap by attaching to healthy teeth adjacent to the missing tooth. Partial dentures are used to replace a few missing teeth, while full dentures are suitable for patients with all teeth missing. At our clinic, we aim to achieve the best results by offering treatment options that are most suitable for our patients’ needs and oral structure.

Are There Non-Screw Implants?

Yes, there are non-screw implants, also known as press-fit implants. These implants are particularly preferred in cases of narrow jawbones or when traditional screw-type implants are not feasible. Non-screw implants offer a quick and minimally invasive placement process. At our clinic, we provide the best implant options tailored to our patients’ individual needs, ensuring they achieve a healthy and aesthetic smile.

Who Should Not Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants are suitable for most individuals with good overall health and sufficient jawbone. However, individuals with active infections, uncontrolled diabetes, severe heart conditions, blood clotting disorders, or heavy smokers are not recommended to undergo dental implant treatment. Additionally, they are not suitable for young individuals whose jawbone development is incomplete. At our clinic, we thoroughly evaluate our patients’ health conditions to determine the most appropriate treatment options.

Which is the Best Dental Clinic in Turkey?

Turkey is renowned for its numerous prestigious clinics offering high-quality dental treatments. However, there are several important factors to consider when choosing the best clinic. Here are these factors and why our clinic is among the best dental clinics in Turkey:

  1. Expert Staff
    • Experienced Dentists: Our clinic employs experienced and specialized dentists in their fields. We keep up with current treatment methods through continuous education.
    • Multidisciplinary Approach: By offering various dental specialties together, we provide comprehensive treatment options for our patients.
  2. Technological Equipment
    • Modern Equipment: Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology devices and equipment. We use advanced technology methods such as digital X-rays, 3D tomography, and laser dental treatments.
    • Sterilization and Hygiene: By adhering to the highest sterilization and hygiene standards, we ensure a safe treatment environment for our patients.
  3. Comprehensive Treatment Options
    • Dental Implants: We offer long-lasting and aesthetic solutions using the highest quality titanium and zirconium implants.
    • Orthodontics: We provide services for patients of all ages with traditional and clear aligner treatments.
    • Cosmetic Dentistry: We design perfect smiles with aesthetic applications such as laminate veneers, zirconium crowns, and teeth whitening.
  4. Patient Satisfaction
    • Personalized Treatment: We prepare treatment plans tailored to the needs of each patient.
    • Patient Follow-up: We monitor our patients’ satisfaction and health with regular check-ups after treatment.
  5. International Patient Services
    • Interpreter Services: We offer interpretation services in different languages for our international patients.
    • Transportation and Accommodation: We provide support for transportation and accommodation for patients coming from abroad.
  6. Economic and Transparent Pricing
    • Affordable Costs: We offer high-quality services at affordable costs, providing treatment options suitable for every budget.
    • Transparent Pricing Policy: We provide detailed cost information to our patients before treatment, preventing unexpected costs.

Our clinic, with all these features, is among the best dental clinics in Turkey, providing the highest level of service to its patients. For more information and to schedule an appointment, please contact our expert team.

New Methods and Techniques in Dental Implants

Dental implants are a continuously evolving field in dentistry, with innovative methods and techniques being developed to offer patients more effective, faster, and comfortable treatment options. At our clinic, we aim to provide the best service to our patients by using the latest treatment methods and technologies. Here are the newest methods and techniques in dental implants:

  1. Digital Implant Planning
    • 3D Imaging: We use 3D tomography to make the dental implant placement process more precise and accurate. By analyzing patients’ jaw structures and tooth positions in detail, we create the most suitable implant planning.
    • Digital Guidance: With computer-aided surgical guides, we perform implant placement procedures faster and more safely.
  2. Immediate Loading Implants
    • Single-Stage Implants: We use single-stage implants that offer a faster healing time compared to the traditional two-stage implant method. This allows our patients to receive temporary prosthetics on the same day.
    • All-on-4 and All-on-6 Techniques: These techniques provide quick and reliable solutions for fully edentulous jaws, enabling us to apply fixed prosthetics to our patients on the same day.
  3. Mini Implants
    • For Narrow Jawbones: We use mini implants for patients with insufficient jawbone volume, providing treatment without the need for additional surgical procedures like bone grafting.
    • Quick and Minimally Invasive: Mini implants require less surgical intervention, offering our patients a comfortable and fast recovery process.
  4. Zirconium Implants
    • Aesthetics and Durability: Zirconium implants are ideal for patients with metal allergies, offering a natural tooth color and high durability.
    • Biocompatibility: Made from highly biocompatible materials, zirconium implants work harmoniously with the surrounding tissues.
  5. Laser-Assisted Implant Surgery
    • Less Bleeding and Faster Healing: Implant placement procedures performed with laser technology result in less bleeding and faster healing compared to traditional methods.
    • Minimally Invasive: Laser-assisted surgery minimizes damage to surrounding tissues, providing a comfortable treatment process for our patients.
  6. PRP and PRF Technologies
    • Rapid Tissue Regeneration: Using growth factors obtained from the patient’s own blood with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) technologies, we accelerate the healing process.
    • Reduced Infection Risk: These biological methods reduce the risk of infection, ensuring a more successful and faster healing process.
  7. Bone Grafting and Sinus Lift
    • Increasing Bone Volume: For patients with insufficient bone volume, we provide the necessary bone support for implant placement through bone grafting and sinus lift procedures.
    • Advanced Surgical Techniques: These advanced surgical techniques increase the success rate of implant treatments and offer long-lasting solutions.

At our clinic, we aim to provide our patients with healthy and aesthetic smiles by using the newest and most effective methods in dental implants. For more information about dental implants and to schedule an appointment, please contact our expert team.

Discover Opportunities for Dental Implants in Istanbul, Turkey!

Turkey, especially Istanbul, has become a significant global center for dental implant treatments. The opportunities we offer to both local and international patients stand out with quality service and affordable costs. Here are the opportunities you can explore for dental implant treatment in Istanbul:

  1. Expert and Experienced Team
    • Specialist Dentists: Our clinic employs dentists who are experts in their field with years of experience. We apply the most current treatment methods through continuous education and development programs.
    • Multidisciplinary Approach: By offering various dental specializations together, we provide our patients with comprehensive and integrated treatment options.
  2. Affordable and Transparent Pricing
    • Reasonable Costs: We offer quality services at reasonable prices, providing dental implant treatment options suitable for every budget.
    • Transparent Pricing Policy: By providing detailed cost information to our patients before treatment, we prevent unexpected expenses.
  3. Comprehensive Treatment Options
    • Dental Implants: We offer a wide range of services from single tooth implants to full mouth restorations.
    • Aesthetic Dentistry: We rejuvenate our patients’ smiles with aesthetic applications such as zirconium crowns, laminate veneers, and teeth whitening.
  4. International Patient Services
    • Interpreter Services: We offer interpretation services in different languages for our international patients.
    • Transportation and Accommodation: We support our patients coming from abroad with transportation and accommodation.
    • Treatment Packages: By offering special treatment packages for international patients, we make the treatment process easier.
  5. High Patient Satisfaction
    • Personalized Treatment: We aim to achieve the best results by preparing treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.
    • Regular Follow-Up and Check-Ups: We monitor our patients’ satisfaction and health with regular check-ups after treatment.

Our clinic provides the best service to our patients with these opportunities for dental implant treatment in Istanbul, Turkey. For more information about dental implants and to schedule an appointment, please contact our expert team.

Before and After Photos of Dental Implants

Dental implant treatment is an effective solution for replacing missing teeth and achieving a natural appearance. At our clinic, before and after photos of dental implants help our patients visually assess the treatment process and the results achieved. These photos clearly demonstrate how dental implants provide a natural and aesthetic smile. The comparisons between before and after treatment support our patients in making confident decisions and showcase the high-quality services offered by our clinic. For more information about dental implants and to review our treatment processes, you can contact our expert team.

Testimonials from Real Guests About Dental Implants

The testimonials from real guests who have received dental implant treatment at our clinic reflect our service quality and patient satisfaction in the best way. The experiences and feedback of our guests highlight our high standards and personalized treatment approaches. The positive comments from patients who have undergone dental implants show how comfortable and successful the treatment process is. With the testimonials from real guests, you can gain more insights into dental implant treatment and take confident steps towards achieving a healthy and aesthetic smile.

Watch Reviews at Milano Clinic in Turkey!

Dental Implants: Achieve Your Dream Smile at Affordable Costs

Dental implants provide permanent and aesthetic solutions to missing teeth, enabling you to achieve a healthy smile. At our clinic, we help you reach your dream smile by offering high-quality service at affordable costs. Here are the essentials you need to know about dental implant treatment:

  1. Affordable and Transparent Pricing
    • Reasonable Costs: Our dental implant treatments offer high quality at affordable prices. With our options suitable for every budget, you can access quality service.
    • Transparent Pricing Policy: We provide detailed cost information before treatment, ensuring transparency about expenses. This way, you won’t face any unexpected costs.
  2. Expert and Experienced Team
    • Specialist Dentists: Our clinic employs dentists who are experts and experienced in dental implants. We serve you with the latest techniques and information.
    • Multidisciplinary Approach: Our team specialized in various fields of dentistry creates comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your needs.
  3. Comprehensive Treatment Options
    • Single Tooth Implants: We complete your missing single teeth with implants that are natural-looking and functional.
    • Multiple Tooth Implants: We offer implant treatments supported by bridges or full dentures for multiple missing teeth.
    • Full Mouth Implants: In cases of complete edentulism, we provide quick and effective solutions with methods like All-on-4 and All-on-6.

At our clinic, you can achieve a healthy, aesthetic, and lasting smile with dental implant treatment at affordable costs. For more information about dental implants and to schedule an appointment, you can contact our expert team.

Over 100 Dental Implants Reviews

Currently dental implants with Milano Clinic Take a look at the reviews of our lovely guests.

Gizem Sevimer
Gizem Sevimer
About 4 months ago i had a Fox eyes surgery at Milano clinic. Everything went very well. Doctor and the team was really professional. I felt really safe during my whole process. When i came back to my home they always texted me and check my situation. It was so perfect. Thank you so much for everything.
Ayda Acar
Ayda Acar
Hallo, Ich hatte vor kurzem eine Fettabsaugung Operation bei der Milano Klinik. Meine beiden ansprechspartner Herr İsmail und Ata waren total nett und haben all meine Fragen rechtzeitig geantwortet. Sie haben mich immer über die Uhrzeiten, abholzeiten und Treffpunke Vorort genau informiert. Der Arzt war ein sehr erfahrener und hat eine super Arbeit geleistet. Die Krankenschwester von der Milano Klinik hatten sehr viel Ahnung über die Heilungsphase und haben mir die nötigen Tipps gegeben. Ich habe Vorort auch von der Schönheitsaerztin Botox machen lassen. Sie kennen sich sehr gut aus mit dem was Sie machen. Ich bin mit meiner Fettabsaugungergebnissen total zufrieden.Bei mir wurden Innenschenkel, Bauch und Rücken abgesaugt und ch habe für die Heilungszeit eine enge Korsett bekommen, welches sehr nützlich war. Milano Klinik Krankenschwester haben auch meine Medikamente gebracht und mir gesagt, wie ich sie einzunehmen habe. Vielen Dank Milano Klinik. Ich werde für meine Haartransplantation sicherlich nochmal kommen
Lütfiye İnan
Lütfiye İnan
Guten Tag, Ich kontaktiere Sie aus Deutschland. Ich bin aus München für meiner Nasenop in die Turkei aeingereist. Auf der Suche nach einem richtigen Klinik bin ich auf Milano Klinik gestoBen. Sie hatten richtig gute Bewertungen auf Youtube. Vorort hat man mich mit einem privaten Wagen abgeholt und mich zum Hotel gefahren. Am naechsten Morgen wurde ich zum Krankenhaus gefahren, wo ich meine Nasenkorrektur hatte. Der Arzt har vor der Op all meine Fragen geantwortet und mich über den Ablauf informiert. Die Krankenschwester im Krankenhaus waren sehr nett. Das Hotel und die Transferwagen waren sehr sauber. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen sehr zu frieden. Ich kann die Milano Klinik einfach jeden weiterempfehlen
Beyzanur Koçak
Beyzanur Koçak
I had a Chin liposuction at Milano clinic. My chin was really bothering me i always wanted to remove it so i decided to contact with them. Sude was the first person i talked. She was really nice and she answered all the quesitons i asked. And actually i did not wanted to even ask for other clinics because i felt that its right place for me. And i am really happy from my decision. Thank you for everything i hope we will see each other again 🙂
Madusha Peiris
Madusha Peiris
I recently had the pleasure of undergoing aesthetic surgery at Milano Klinik in Turkey for the second time, and I can confidently say that this clinic is a top choice for anyone seeking reliable and professional cosmetic procedures. My first experience with Milano Klinik was for liposuction, and I was so satisfied that I decided to return for a breast lift, tummy tuck, and 360 liposuction. From the initial consultation to the post-surgery care, Milano Klinik exceeded my expectations at every step. I must extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Sude, my coordinator, whose patience and dedication were unwavering. She diligently addressed all my queries, providing detailed information and guiding me through the entire process. Her support was invaluable, and I felt well-informed and reassured throughout. Ms. Aleyna, my nurse, played a crucial role in making my admission process and surgical preparations smooth and stress-free. Her professionalism and genuine care were evident, and I felt in safe hands under her watchful eye. My surgeon, deserves special recognition for his exceptional skills and the ease with which he managed the entire surgical process. From the initial consultation to the actual surgery and follow-up, the doctor's expertise and professionalism were evident, making the journey remarkably comfortable. Milano Klinik, as a whole, has left an indelible impression on me with their outstanding service. I extend my sincere thanks to the entire team for their dedication and excellence. Milano Klinik, you have truly been amazing, and I wish you continued success in providing exceptional aesthetic surgery experiences. Thank you once again for your unparalleled care and expertise. Warm Regards Madusha P From Sri Lanka
Berk Gölemen
Berk Gölemen
Hallo, Mein Name ist Berk und ich hatte am 09.082023 eine Gynäkomastie Op bei der Milano Klinik. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden. Herr Ismail hat mir immer geholfen, wo ich irgendwelche Fragen hatte. Er war jederzeit erreichbar. Mein Op lief gut, mein Arzt hat mich über die Postoperativenanweisungen bekannt gemacht und mir alles in Details erklaert. Ich bin durchaus sehr zufrieden mit dem was raus gekommen ist, Transfee und Hotel waren sehr komfortabel. Ich kann Milano Klinik einfach jeden weiterempfehlen
Ich habe mich für Liposuction im Bauch/hüfte/arme/doppelkinn und Rücken entschieden bei Milano Klinik entschieden und kann die Klinik zu 100% empfehlen. Herr Ismail war von Anfang an mit uns in Kontakt. Die OP verlief reibungslos und die Nachbehandlung verlief mit der Krankenschwester Sema einwandfrei. Ich kann jedem eine Massage bei Ihr empfehlen 🙂
Emine Sınanmış
Emine Sınanmış
4 ay önce Milano klinik ile estetik operasyonum için iletişime geçtim. Senelerdir rinoplasti yaptırmak istiyordum. Hem nefes problemi hem de estetik kaygılarım vardı. Danışmanım ve sağlık ekibi tüm süreç boyunca benimle çok iyi ilgilendiler. Su an hem çok güzel bir burnum var hem rahatça nefes alabiliyorum. Operasyon sonrası düzenli olarak fotoğraflarımı isteyerek sürecimin takipçisi oldular. Bu özverili ve profesyonel ekibe çok teşekkür ederim. Tekrar estetik operasyon düşündüğüm zaman şüphesiz arayacağım ilk adres olacak .
Sinem Cival
Sinem Cival
Guten Tag, Ich hatte vor drei Monaten eine Fettabsaugung bei der Milano Klinik. Es ging um fünf Zonen Fettabsaugung, Bauch, Seiten, Arme, Rücken und Innenschenkel. Op hat Mein Transfer von Flughafen zum Hotel und von Hotel zum Krankenhaus haben super geklappt Herr Ismail, mein Ansprechpartner hat all meine Fragen rechtzeitig geantwortet. Meine Krankenschwester Duygu war immer da, wo ich Sie brauchte. Einen GroBen Lob an der Arzt, der eine super Leistung hervorgebracht hat. Auch am Kontrolle Tag war er da und hat meine Bandagen gewechselt und die Opstellen selber sauber gemacht. Ich bin waehrend meine Heilungszeit immer noch im Kontakt mit denen und die antworten meine Fragen immer noch Vielen Dank nochmal an Milano Klinik Team

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