Levantamiento De Cejas En TURQUÍA
¡Remodela con Levantamiento De Cejas con Milano Clinic!

Las cejas tienen un papel importante en la expresión del rostro humano. Al expresar nuestros sentimientos y emociones, las mímicas faciales van acompañadas de cejas. Cuando estamos tan nerviosos, fruncimos el ceño o levantamos las cejas mientras sonreímos. ¡Aquí en Milano Clinic Eyebrow Uplifting en Turquía te ayudará a obtener cejas hermosas!
Este proceso simple pero efectivo no ignorará el hecho de que las cejas dan una apariencia mucho más joven al rostro. Así, el papel del aspecto estético del rostro no volverá a estar en cuestión.

Duración de la operación | 1-2 horas |
Área de operación | Cara |
Tipo de anestesia | General |
Umbral del dolor | 1 día |
Hora de inicio | Publicar / En 1 |
Primera ducha | 2 días después |
Tiempo de recuperación | 1 semana |
Estado de reoperación | 1 año después y depende de las preferencias |
Gimnasio-Cardio | Mismo día |
Marca de sutura | Sin sutura |
Limite de edad | Hasta 18 |
Tipo de sutura | - |
Estado de edema | - |
Hospitalizar | - |
Técnica de apertura / cierre | - |

Más de 100 Reseñas de Estiramiento de Cejas
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Milano Clinic
Consultora Medica

Milano Clinic
Consultora Medica

Eyebrows move along with a muscle structure and help to express what we want to create on our faces.
Another mission of the eyebrows is that they are against other factors that may come to our eyes such as, rainwater, dust, etc.
The items are attached to the eyebrows while we are draining down from our region. Our eyebrows are also protective of minimizing harmful substances that can function as eyelashes.
In addition, the aesthetically smooth and curved muscles show the person much more attractive and younger. Throughout history, people have paid attention to the appearance of their eyebrows. Even eyebrows became the subject of folk songs, people began to describe their loved ones according to the shape of eyebrows. The phrase violin eyebrow is an example.
The structure of the eyebrow has been shaped so that it is compatible with the facial features of everyone until a certain age. However, in the middle age period, especially in women's eyebrow structure deterioration occurs. Processes like multiple pregnancies, breastfeeding, and so on lead to fatigue in the body structure and slow down tissue regeneration. Women, therefore, begin to notice that their brow structures have changed after a while. As a result, they resort to various makeup tricks to get their old eyebrow appearance.
However, this initiative will not mean anything in the long run. On the contrary, the loosening of the eyebrows will increase due to the deformation caused by the makeup materials. The ideal appearance of eyebrows varies according to everyone, but in general, it is possible to talk about a curved structure. In fact, the degree of the curved structure changes. Because the degree of curvature will vary according to the proportion of the facial contours and the width of the forehead.
The human body is in constant development by renewing cells and tissues. However, as age progresses, cell and tissue regeneration slows down and becomes stationary after a point.
The first examples of this condition are observed in the forehead region since its structure is constantly in motion and has natural lines. The deterioration of the tissues causes the wrinkles and thus the lines to increase.
Deformation of the forehead area causes eyebrows to be affected. This is the case known as eyebrow drop. According to the facial expressions, the structure of the eyebrows, which are constantly moving, slows down and the line is broken. Generally, the eyebrow drop causes a heavier and older appearance.
However, with the help of current techniques, it is possible to get rid of this unwanted image. The person who applies for Eyebrow Uplifting may have the ideal eyebrow appearance according to the facial features. For this purpose, the wrinkles on the horizontal axis are removed and the loosened eyebrow tissue is tightened again. An arched structure is provided to the eyebrows by maintaining the correct angle. Thus, the facial features appear much younger and alive.
Especially women, who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and so on, facial structures change after the processes. Cell regeneration slows down in the tissues of the forehead and the number of wrinkles in this area increases. Wrinkle formation on the horizontal axis causes the condition known as eyebrow drop. This creates the basis for an older and unwanted appearance in the face structures of women.
Relaxation of the eyebrows occurs over time. If it is not intervened in a timely manner, the brow line is disrupted. The eyebrow removal method eliminates this problem with a relatively simple approach. Anyone who is faced with the problem of eyebrow fall may apply the eyebrow uplifting technique.