Plastic surgery is the type of procedure done to repair and reconstruct lost or damaged skin and tissue. Plastic surgery’s primary goal is to as closely mimic the normal function and look for tissue and skin as possible. Surgery done due to cosmetic reasons and reconstructive surgery are both included in the broad group of treatments known as “plastic surgery.” After an injury, illness, or congenital issue, reconstructive treatments are carried out to return the body’s appearance and functionality. 

Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, is performed simply to alter a person’s appearance to attain what they believe to be a more desirable look. Surgical treatments used in cosmetic surgery include those that aim to improve symmetry, accentuate particular characteristics, or change the proportions of the face or body. Cosmetic surgery is elective, meaning that individuals choose to have it done on parts of their bodies that don’t need to function better. Certain details make difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery regardless of their similarities.  Many people all around the world get plastic and cosmetic surgery is done due to various reasons. Due to this increase in the practice of these procedures, patients must know the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery to understand which one they have to undergo and what should they expect as a patient of these procedures. There is a difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery procedures even though they can sometimes be seen as the same thing.  One of the main difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is the purpose of the operation itself. Cosmetic surgery is almost always done to change the look of a certain aspect of a person without any medical reason or requirement while the same does not apply to plastic surgery, especially reconstructive plastic surgery which has a chance of being crucial for the health and well-being of the patient. Cosmetic surgery can be done due to the confidence of the patient as well, making their livelihood easy just like plastic surgery but the improvement will differ from reconstructive plastic surgery.  Another difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is the requirements. Plastic surgery, especially reconstructive plastic surgery, can require a doctor from a specific branch to allow the surgery to happen while in cosmetic surgery, there is no need for a doctor other than a plastic surgeon to allow the procedure for most of the time.  

An example of this situation could be given as a patient getting rhinoplasty due to being unable to breathe through their nose. If the patient had an incident or is born with any complication, and a doctor recommends and approves that getting rhinoplasty is a must for the patient’s health, the rhinoplasty procedure will be considered plastic surgery. However, if the procedure is going to be done purely for aesthetic reasons, then it will be considered cosmetic surgery. In this case, there will be no need for getting the approval of any doctor other than a plastic surgeon.  Another difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is the cost of the procedures. Cosmetic surgery is almost always optional, meaning that the patient chooses to have the treatment even though it is usually not considered crucial for the patient’s health by insurance companies. Reconstructive plastic surgery may be judged medically necessary. 

While cosmetic plastic surgery is elective and typically not covered by insurance, reconstructive plastic surgery may be. As an example of this situation, having a breast rebuilt after a mastectomy is a reconstructive treatment that should only be carried out by a plastic surgeon. Plastic or cosmetic surgeons might do a breast lift (augmentation) as a cosmetic operation.  The last difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is the expectations from the results of the procedures. Cosmetic surgery is done to change the look, and exterior of some aspect of the person and make it look better or in a way, the patient wants to. However, plastic surgery, especially constructive plastic surgery is done to make the livelihood and health of the patient better.  

A health reason will be seen as more important on the benefit side, meaning at times, the overall look of the body will not be considered as much. For instance, a burn victim may not fully expect to look perfect after getting a skin transplant as the aim is to not make it look perfect but to make the livelihood of the patient better. However, getting cosmetic surgery to get rid of certain aspects of the body that does not look in the desired way is going to be considered cosmetic surgery and the patient is going to expect the look they desire since health is not the reason for this procedure. This difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery in the reason makes the expectation from the results differ as well.  

Even though they can be seen as similar, there is a difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery and the patients should recognize the difference before getting any of the procedures. Regardless of whether the procedure is plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, the patients must find a trustworthy and sanitary clinic like Milano Klinik, which they can trust with their procedure.

Having known the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, patients can recognize what they have to do to get these procedures and with a trustworthy clinic like Milano Klinik, they can guarantee to get the results they have desired.   

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